Some very important facts about the use of a school blog: Blogs are read from bottom to top. Homework will be set for every week, no excuses will be accepted if you don't comply. If you decide to post a comment, remember to do it as " anonymous" and to include your name at the end. This blog means a big effort on my behalf, I do hope you enjoy it! Prof. Sosa D'Este

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

No homework for next week but... What will the test be like?

It will include:

  1. 5 questions from the photocopy, video or blog 
  2. Mention 3…
  3. Match letters with numbers
  4. Say true or false
  5. Circle the correct words
Please study! We don't have many more chances before the winter holidays!


  1. Florencia, the questions will be with short answer or long?

  2. Hi Sebastian,
    Just one or two sentences will be enough, there's no need to develop a paragraph.
    See you tomorrow,
